September's Corn Moon Reflection
The seeds you've planted and tended find their fulfillment as the autumnal equinox returns. The cool, full moon lights the fields during harvest. Farmers from century to century have harvested corn by moonlight, their work drawing them deep into the night. This same patience sustains us in our work. As we prepare to harvest what we’ve grown, let us also enjoy the work itself, the strength of our commitment, the muscular satisfaction of our labors. What seems long and laborious can also be beautiful and satisfying. What challenge asks for your patience?
Gather the bounty from your late summer garden; tomatoes, beans, corn, cucumbers. Pick some wildflowers as you go. Share your harvest basket with a neighbor.
Who once has loved the cornfield’s rustling sheaves,
Who once has heard the gentle Irish rain
Murmur low music in the growing leaves,
Though he were god, comes back to earth again.
- Eva Gore-Booth, “Re-Incarnation”