Portraits of Our Partners: West Village Market
Nestled in the heart of West Asheville, West Village cherishes its role as a community market in a diverse part of town.
We’d like to send a big thank you to West Village Market, a neighborhood grocery store with a heart and a conscience - as well as one of Buchi’s oldest and most devoted supporters. A focus on natural, organic, and local foods sets West Village apart - but that’s just the beginning!
Nestled in the heart of West Asheville, West Village cherishes its role as a community market in a diverse part of town. Patrons often live nearby, know their neighbors, run errands on foot - and they’re environmentally savvy. A business’s impact on the environment is a key factor in how locals choose to stock their kitchens, and West Village takes its responsibility to sustainability and its customers’ values seriously. They’ve replaced plastic produce bags with paper, and in the bulk section the bags are compostable - in a home compost pile, no less! West Village’s head buyer prioritizes sustainable and reusable packaging, and the market is a participant in TerraCycle, a national recycling platform committed to minimizing the waste that strains our landfills.
Since its birth as Grove Corner Market in downtown Asheville nearly two decades ago, West Village has always championed sustainability by supporting local foods and producers. The local foods movement was just beginning to gain momentum back then, and Grove Corner Market was a pioneer. Relocation to the west side as West Village landed the store in a neighborhood that was ready for a focus on healthful foods and sustainable practices. Its status as a bastion of local foods still stands, and it also houses Sunflower Diner under its roof - serving vegan food for all. The diner even serves Buchi on tap!
West Village has stayed steady during these challenging times, providing curbside pickup and delivery for those restricted by the pandemic. West Village, we know you’re grateful to be a heart-centered business in a heart-centered town. And we’re grateful for you!
West Village Market
Rosanne Kiely, Owner
Location: 771 Haywood Road Asheville NC 28806
Website: westvillagemarket.com
Instagram: @westvillagemarket
Facebook: @westvillagemarket