Recipes –

Spirited Elevation Kombucha Cocktail

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Hit your internal defrost button and warm your spirits with this Kombucha Cocktail

We’ve got the perfect drink to take the edge off a cold snap.

Hit your internal defrost button and warm your spirits with our Spirited Elevation Cocktail. This drink blends the flavors of Buchi Air and Seed Kombucha, with Rum and orange bitters – it is an unexpected and welcomed delight to the senses, not to mention, it’s simple, sophisticated, and straight to the point.


2 oz. Spiced Rum

2 oz. Buchi Kombucha Air

2 oz. Buchi Kombucha Seed

A dash of Orange Bitters


  1. Gently stir all ingredients together in a rocks glass
  2. Add ice
  3. Garnish as desired

Show us your finished drink! Tag us @drinkbuchi

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